Insights simplified. Your entry access to the blueprint of the universe. (*access to yourself:)

During the Full Moon the light of the Sun illuminates the Moon fully which allows us to gain awareness of something that is usually hidden from our sights - hidden in our subconscious. (If you are passionate about self inquiry like me, you have ability to feel into your state of being in depth every day. For others, Full Moon amplifies most of the feelings, patterns, situations that need attention.)
Even though we are born under certain Sun sign, we are fluid beings in a fluid universe and so we get to feel into the energy of every zodiac sign, bringing its shadows and light throughout the year. Sun signs are changing every 28 days (based on the Earth orbiting the Sun), Moon sign is changing every 2 - 2.5 days (based on the Moon orbiting the Earth).
We all have certain level of aesthetics of Libra, playfulness of Sag, pleasure enjoyment of Taurus, organization skills of Virgo & eagerness to learn of Capricorn.
Every month, at the peak of the moon cycle, moon reaches its fullness entering sign that is exact opposite of a current sun sign. For example: now we are still in Cancer season - opposite to the Full Moon in Capricorn. This brings us opportunity to harness both polarities for a greater balance within.
July Full Moon in Capricorn is happening on the edge of the last degree of sign (*as we are moving from waters of Cancer season to the fire of Leo season on July 23rd) which creates breaking point. Completion of one chapter, moving towards the next one.
Opportunity to close unfinished business so we move to a new cycle.
Deep waters of Cancer are carrying us to the other side of this cosmic journey, welcomed by Leo. But before we arrive we have one more vibe check, The Second Full in Capricorn, just in case we missed out on some old unfinished business from the past.
Past coming up is a beautiful reminder of many different versions of ourselves.
Let’s not rush to Leo’s fire, even though, we all can feel it quite present in the heat of summer. High energy of creation and feeling of endless possibilities.
Everything comes in a perfect timing. This is an important preparation time so the world can see us and experience us in our audacious fullness.
Let’s stay present with current energy and so question comes:
What has been coming up leading towards second check in with Capricorn? Is there any area of your life that is calling you in to take responsibility over your feelings, validating them and then zooming out to see a bigger picture?

Work with a Full Moon is always about our awareness of inner world.
New Moon - building up - Full Moon - shedding
You are never exactly the same person you were a day ago and so there is so much transformation moving through us every month. Most of it happens as a little steps accumulated. Every part of the lunar cycle is here to take a re-evaluation of your life.
In the process of constant fluid transformation we are creating and shedding layers. Like nature does with seasons and leaves.
Let us not leave self inquiry questions like “what are you letting go?” be just another buzz phrase.
Let’s re-phrase it into “what came up for me?”
Journaling practice is very helpful as well as heart to heart conversation with you favorite person, when they are able to just listen so you can process and understand yourself better. (*one of the most important parts of Full Moon Ceremonies - sharing circle )
Sometimes we need to stand up for ourselves so we can return to state of harmony. Sometimes it’s just about being heard and validated.
Capricorn is a CEO of zodiac.

I love to learn about qualities of zodiac signs by observing them doing everyday life. When I meet someone new I am curious to ask what is their sign. Not because I want give them characteristic description but rather because I enjoy observing them to speak about life and get to know the sign through them.
I have been curiously learning about Capricorn qualities and superpowers through my best friend Ele. One thing is absolutely clear.
Capricorn takes care of business and have a courage to speak the truth. Sometimes too direct and raw real to be heard for others. Capricorn doesn't put away things that need to be handled but rather jumps on it and solve it out.
This reminds me of moment when I had on my to do list filling up divorce papers. Not something pleasant to go over on crowded webpage of Miami Court House. Ele set up date with me, took care of all correct papers and she even gave me envelope and stamp to get things done, all in less than an hour. I mean, wow.
Another vivid story comes through my sister Capricorn. When I broke my elbow and had to get surgery to put pieces together, I was considering my options of surgery in U.S. or going to Slovakia. After sharing the situation with my sister, she set up surgery appointment in my home town in less than a day. Another wow moment. To have Capricorn on your family team or work team is true blessing.
Capricorn is very realistic and operates on facts. Blended with empath superpower of Cancer - this is a perfect combination for self inquiry moment.
Capricorn tends to attract great challenges and finds pleasure in solving them. In this case through facing it in the moment and then transmuting and shedding it.
To have a Capricorn on your team is a true blessing! Now let's activate those superpowers withing no matter what is your sign.

Create a beautiful space indoors or outdoors
If you have time and space, make it extra special for yourself gather pillows, candles, fruit, vibrant flowers that reflect summer and your journal. (*this is your friend Taurus Sun, Libra Rising speaking over here. life is better when we bring beauty and pleasure into everyday)
2. Give thanks for everything that is
Drop into gratitude and contentment to be a human, to feel & to flow through this cosmic journey.
3. Energy Cleanse + Prayer Ritual
Smudging is a powerful ritual to invite supportive energy of plant allies while saying prayer / setting intention.
You can use palo santo, copal, sage or any other herbs and incense. Remember, the most important element is you and your presence and intention. Move around you space and then smudge yourself last.
Inspiration for a prayer during smudging:
“I allow stagnant energy to shift, I am open to feel, process, share and shed anything that is meant to come up today.”
I am open, I am present, I am free, I am grateful, I am surrendering to the flow. Show me, guided me.”
*during our ceremonies I love to pray over and set intention for every one attending in person, allowing something greater speak through me as we enter space.
4. Grab your journal
I love to write and draw w water colors. Your creative expression is limitless and sometimes it comes through visuals AND words.
Your assignment is to first ask yourself these questions?

What has been bothering me?
What made me emotional?
What brought me resistance?
What excited me?
What transformation happened within me as an accumulation of daily steps, daily little changes?
****don’t try to right away get rid of feeling that is coming up, let yourself feel it first, then go to root and inquire even more.
I observed that for a lot of us theme of RELATIONSHIPS with others and with self has been coming up.
For me it was “feeling of being left out”. After having many trips and adventures in and outside of Miami with Ryan, last 10 days we didn't really have enough 1:1 time together due work, ceremonies, family, commitment and I started sensing feeling of being left out. I was leaning into it, allowing myself to fully feel it. Once I gained clarity on what is present for me I was able to communicate it with him and it was received very well.
This is great example of
recognize what are you feeling (many times accumulated through little things over days)
sit with yourself to gain clarity (take time to understand yourself)
validate your feelings (we all want to be validated, don't push it away)
be true to yourself by admitting what is present (no matter if it is guilt, shame, overthinking) if it involves another person, request time together and share with them what has been coming up. Share with love and clarity.
transmutation of energy and growth - this is were magic happens! this is how we grow and evolve and you are already doing it! So proud of you!
Invite friend to speak from depths of heart to share what has been truly coming up.
To go even beyond, ask each other following questions:
How can we lean into our unique circumstances.
How can we become masters of our own lives?
How can we continuously grow?
5. If you are outside, give small crystal to the earth as an offering.
Find fave spot in the nature, hugged by trees with feet on the ground.
6. If you are by the ocean - take a dip to wash your field.
If you are at home - take a shower or flower bath and really really enjoy it, feeling energy being cleansed like you are under the waterfall.
Let's face what is present with love and courage as only then we are able to harness our full potential of inner Leo energy that is waiting for us. RRrrrr! Really excited about this one. Activating inner wild cats.
Every month we are doing FULL MOON CEREMONY on the beach in the most dreamy setting. If you are in Miami come join us! It comes with feeling of being loved, seen, supported. Inspiration and peacefulness guaranteed!
Some people have been traveling from other states to experience this, maybe it is you next time:) can't wait to hug you!
With Gratitude
sun 7.21.2024 | 7:15pm
medicine journey
Breath & Sound
