Self Reclamation

There is a greater way that is pushing us forward.
Use it as your guidance.
Confirmation of what are you feeling.
It's not just happening in your head.
There is a rhyme and reason for every season.
Have you been feeling something moving but couldn't quite point finger at it? Little pieces in motion, day by day, thought by thought, feeling by feeling that changed the whole picture over time.
Month of eclipse season is over and we are on the other side. Eclipse seasons are periods when the sun, moon, and Earth align, allowing eclipses to occur. They typically last about 35 days and repeat every 173.31 days, which is just under six months. Eclipse is steering things from depths of our subconscious. Most of the time subconscious worries, fears, doubts, self limitations.
The great cosmic intelligence is so good to us that every season it brings these self limitations to the surface so we can liberate ourselves. To give you an example in the modern reality beyond the spiritual words, here is my story.
It felt like my inner confidence and unshakable inner knowing was slightly hidden behind the veil, while my doubts and fears were brought to the surface. In my face, day and night. They come as thoughts, reflections, synchronicities - always calling me out.
Eclipse season wasn't about "manifesting new dreams" but rather about "cleaning out the closet" which is really REALLY important because when you clean your closet there is an extra space! Do you see where I am heading?
We might not know when it is coming, but once it is here you know it. And as the past repeats itself, you also know that the only way to liberation is THROUGH IT - hello Aries energy (we all have it in us).
I felt worries connected to my business, tax planning, next moves while all I wanted was feeling inspired and creative, flowing through life. Cleaning up and facing ourselves is the way of UPLEVELING. It really called me to deal with the uncomfortable and to CHOOSE my way of dealing with it.
You have a choice to push things away and ignore them little longer or you can take an action to do what is possible in the moment and after turn to surrender of trusting the process.
There will be always something to worry about. In the beginning of the business it's getting clients, when business flows, it's getting tax plan ready.
And so I took an action, and prepared myself, faced the truth and took on responsibility. This made me feel so much calmer and lighter on the other side.(there were other things within I was dealing with but I thought taxes are great example for today :)
Full Moon in Aries is bringing this very energy. Calling us forward as the way is through it. Fiery energy of Aries that makes us SELF RECLAIM ever-evolving versions of ourselves.
Self reclamation happens through fires of transformation.
You can't do it wrong. Just do your best and get to know yourself along the way.
Moon is inviting us to listen.
Change is inevitable and in some seasons it is so palpable, you can almost touch it.
This is the season.
May the change empower you.
Listen to the winds of Libra and welcome new chapter with open arms.

Working with moon gets always a little woo-woo because it's all about our inner world. Dance of psychology of mind and feelings of heart intertwined with a greater powers of Cosmic Intelligence - Divine.
Yes, we will ask ourselves questions, stay with me, it is really worth the effort.
Q*What have been keeping you awake in the middle of the night?
Is it a conversation you need to schedule to express your feels and needs?
Is it a task you need to take care of?
Is it something you are able to take an action on?
Dance, shake, express yourself and then do it. Prepare what needs to be spoken about and schedule the conversation. Make a move that is maybe a little (or very) scary and do it anyway. Get uncomfortable as a greatest assignment and then experience sweet liberation on the other side!
We came here play and dance through it all, sticky and smooth, gnarly and pretty.
Every month we are doing FULL MOON CEREMONY on the beach in the most dreamy setting. If you are in Miami come join us!
With Gratitude
thu 10.17.2024 | 7:15pm
